In this enchanting song, the narrative unfolds as an older woman discovers love with a younger man. The lyrics celebrate the openness of their hearts, transcending age differences. The beauty of their connection lies in embracing inner youth and a shared young spirit that levels the playing field. The song, delivered with a beautiful cello and an angelic voice, takes on a spiritual quality, capturing the profound and timeless nature of love that defies societal expectations. It becomes a melodic journey of two souls connecting beyond age, resonating with a harmonious blend of experience and youthful spirit.
FALLING Final Lyrics/Thorns & Roses
I’m falling, falling, falling
I’m falling, falling, falling
You’re an angel sent out of the blue
You’re an angel I could see through and through
Your past filled with heartache that doesn’t touch you
You remain an angel sent from the blue
I’m falling, falling, falling
I’m falling, falling, falling
Thank the heavens above Blessing you unto me
Out of the blue we were so meant to be
So many years hold us apart
We are timeless in this cascade of hearts
I’m falling, falling, falling
I’m falling, falling, falling
So much kindness endeared we can’t fathom the truth
Our magic lies deep in our inner youth
I’m falling, falling so hard and true
I can’t miss a minute of being with you
I am falling, falling, falling
I am falling, falling, falling
You’re an angel sent from out of the blue
I am falling, falling so hard for you
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